Produse pentru torice proclare xr (50)

Pudră de băutură energetică etichetă albă

Pudră de băutură energetică etichetă albă

Nous développons et fabriquons les boissons d'effort qui correspondent à l'identité de votre marque. Notre expérience dans le sport de haut niveau nous permet de développer des boissons d'effort très spécifique et de haute qualité nutritionnelle. Nous adaptons le format de conditionnement à vos demandes.
Controlul Marginilor X2

Controlul Marginilor X2

Edge Control Gel Noutrix – Maîtrisez vos cheveux avec facilité ! Découvrez notre incroyable Edge Gel, spécialement conçu pour maintenir les poils fins et les cheveux rebelles en place sans les casser. Une tenue impeccable toute la journée Grâce à sa formule de qualité supérieure, notre gel edge ne s’écaille pas et n’est pas gras, ce qui laisse vos cheveux sains avec une finition brillante. De plus, il est idéal pour maîtriser les baby hair, tirer les cheveux en arrière ou réaliser des twists élégants. Une formule sans résidus Notre Edge Gel offre une tenue durable sans laisser de résidus indésirables. Ainsi, vous pouvez être sûr(e) que votre coiffure restera en place toute la journée, sans besoin de retouches fréquentes. Convient à tous types de cheveux Polyvalent et adapté à tous types de cheveux, qu’ils soient bouclés, crépus, lisses ou ondulés, notre gel edge répond aux besoins de coiffure de toute la famille. Découvrez notre produit en action sur TikTok
Alline Procap 180 capsule

Alline Procap 180 capsule

Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day. Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Pancreas peptides. Peptides have a selective action on pancreas cells, normalize their metabolism and regulate pancreas functions. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Suprefort Expiry date:30.11.2026 Barcode:4603423005513
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Genotropin 12mg / 36iu HGH by Pfizer. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, the primary form consisting of 191 amino acid chain. HGH is largely responsible for the growth of our bones, organs and other tissue. When Human Growth Hormone is injected, the growth process gets a huge boost. As we age, HGH is responsible for our muscle retention, the functioning of our immune system, a fast metabolism and our health as we age. In addition, our bone structure, our tendons improve and it heals / restores our connective tissue faster.
Bandele din neopren cu dinți - POWERGRIP® GT

Bandele din neopren cu dinți - POWERGRIP® GT

PAS: 3MR- 5MR- 8MR Ce profil garantit une meilleure répartition de la charge sur la dent, un jeu réduit, une réduction de l'usure et du bruit. C'est un bon profil pour le positionnement linéaire et rotatif ainsi que pour la transmission de puissance. Détails
Restylane® cu Lidocaină - 1x1ml - FILLERE

Restylane® cu Lidocaină - 1x1ml - FILLERE

Restylane® with Lidocaine is used to add volume and fullness to the skin and to correct fine lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead and the bilateral lines between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane® with Lidocaine can also be used for lip enhancement. It contains lidocaine, a powerful anesthetic, for a more comfortable injection. SKU:RTLN-0009 Brand:Restylane® Concentration:Hyaluronic acid: 20 mg/ml Lidocaine: 0.3 mg/ml Indication:Treatment of fine lines Wrinkles and folds Lip enhancement The Pack Includes:1 x 1ml Syringe 2 x 29G ½ Needles Results' Duration:Results are instant from the first treatment. In general, results Manufacturer:Galderma
Oral B TriZone Capete de Înlocuire - Periuțe de Dinți

Oral B TriZone Capete de Înlocuire - Periuțe de Dinți

Oral B TriZone Ersatzbürstenköpfe - Zahnbürsten Marke:Oral-B Richtige GTIN:4210201052623
Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Our vitamin and mineral bolus Tracetop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to prevent a vitamin and mineral deficiency in cattle and improve the overall wellbeing of the cows. Insufficient (trace) minerals can result in losses in performance and can cause clinical deficiencies. More commonly though, subclinical deficiencies occur manifested as reduced pregnancy rates, rough hair coats, hoof issues, retained placenta, low libido and poor calf performance.
THOR FULL-EQUIPE - Tratarea nămolului

THOR FULL-EQUIPE - Tratarea nămolului

Les bactéries et les enzymes contenues dans THOR FULL-EQUIP sont capables de décomposer la matière organique du lisier pour favoriser le développement des bactéries en présence ou en absence d’oxygène. les bactéries utilisent l’azote présente sous forme d’ammoniaque pour leur croissance. Les enzymes agissent en synergie et en complément de l’action bactérienne par la décomposition enzymatique de la matière organique. COMPOSITION BACILLUS SUBTILLS BACILLUS LICHENI-FORMIS (3 souches) BACILLUS AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS BACILLUS MEGATERIUM BACILLUS PUMILUS ENZYME CELLULASE ENZYME HEMICELLULASE ENZYME PROTEASE ENZYME AMYLASE
Microtub SafeFit, 5,0 ml cu capac

Microtub SafeFit, 5,0 ml cu capac

Micro Tube SafeFit, 5.0 ml with Cap
Apistan - Tratamente antivarroa

Apistan - Tratamente antivarroa

Apistan rappresenta ancora il metodo più semplice per combattere la varroa. E' un efficace trattamento che non causa disturbo alle api e di notevolissima utilità nell'ambito di programmi di lotta integrata. MODALITA' D'IMPIEGO: Apistan può essere utilizzato in qualsiasi periodo dell'anno ma i migliori risultati si ottengono quando viene applicato dopo l'ultimo flusso nettarifero. Apistan è di facile utilizzo. Inserire 2 strisce fra i favi di covata (3-4 e 7-8 per arnie standard da 10 e 12 favi). Una striscia nel centro della covata è sufficiente in alveari piccoli nuclei. Lasciare le strisce per 6/8 settimane. Non lasciare Apistan nell'alveare al termine del trattamento per evitare lo sviluppo di resistenza al principio attivo. Busta da 10 strisce. Codice Prodotto:708


Medizinprodukt zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­größerung­ Pros­turol® Zäpf­chen ist ein Medizinprodukt auf pflanzlicher Basis. Es wird zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­grö­ße­rung ange­wendet, wie sie aufgrund von arte­ri­ellem Blutan­drang in Folge von Entzün­dungs­reizen, auftreten können. Originalpackung: 10 Zäpf­chen je 2 g, 30 Zäpf­chen je 2 g Wirkstoffe: Kürbis­kerne, Indi­scher Wassernabel, Weih­rauch, Stroh­blume, Vitamin E Acetat, Austra­li­scher Teebaum, Hyalu­ron­säure-Natri­um­salz, halb­syn­the­ti­sche Glyce­ride Therapiegebiet: Prostatitis


Cages are designed to be unaffected by ground movements. There is a 2 mm thick cage leg at every 60 cm and wide legged pads placed under these legs. In addition, the cage system is fixed with steel pulling dies once every 10 legs. The system which gains maximum resistance on this count can be mounted 8 tier without platform, 12 tier without platform.
Novofine - Îngrijire Medicală

Novofine - Îngrijire Medicală

Vitamins, test strips and needles and other valuable health care products available in retail and wholesale.
Seringă preumplută Restylane Vital 1 ml - Produse de frumusețe

Seringă preumplută Restylane Vital 1 ml - Produse de frumusețe

Seringue préremplie Restylane Vital 1 ml - Produits de beauté
Hyalone 60 mg/4mL - Produse ortopedice

Hyalone 60 mg/4mL - Produse ortopedice

HyalOne 60 mg Injection is used to treat pain in osteoarthritis patients who have not received adequate relief from simple pain medications or exercise and physical therapy. In adults over the age of 21, it is also used in plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles or folds on the face and to enhance the lips. HyalOne is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, and highly elastic injectable solution, which is based on purified sodium hyaluronate produced by bacterial fermentation of a high-molecular-weight fraction of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally occurring in many tissues of the body, including cartilage and synovial fluid. It is a principal component of synovial fluid responsible for its viscosity and elasticity. Being a natural lubricant and shock absorber, hyaluronan is indispensable for proper joint function.
CONTOUR® NEXT Benzile de Testare a Glucozei din Sânge (50 buc.)

CONTOUR® NEXT Benzile de Testare a Glucozei din Sânge (50 buc.)

brillante Messgenauigkeit für zuverlässige Ergebnisse, automatisches Codieren für einfaches Messen, intelligente Nachfülloption Möglichkeit des erneuten Auftragens von Blut in denselben CONTOUR® NEXT Sensor wenn die erste Probenmenge zu gering war.


Restylane® Lidocaine is used to add volume and fullness to the skin and to correct fine lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead and the bilateral lines between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane can also be used for lip enhancement. Contains lidocaine, a powerful anaesthetic, for a more comfortable injection. The pack consists of: 1 x 1ml syringe.
Pronto Dry - Acum și mai bun!

Pronto Dry - Acum și mai bun!

Der schnelle, genaue und einfache Urease-Test für Helicobacter pylori Schnelle Testresultate (erste Ablesung nach nur 5 Minuten) Die Farbänderung zeigt den Grad der Infektion an Günstiger Preis, einfache Handhabung Hohe Nachweisempfindlichkeit und Spezifität für Helicobacter pylori Keine Kühllagerung notwendig Erprobte Zuverlässigkeit Bezeichnung: Pronto Dry Inhalt/VE: 10 Productdetails: Urease-Test zur Diagnose von Helicobacter Pylori, 10er Packung Artikelnummer: 1121/10
Stoboscope RT STROB LED - stroboscop

Stoboscope RT STROB LED - stroboscop

Stroboscope portatif de 30 à 300 000 flashs par minute, Intensité lumineuse 4800 lux à 6000 fpm à 30 cm. Livré complet en mallette avec piles.
Rymax Booster de Octan

Rymax Booster de Octan

The Rymax Octane Booster is developed to boost octane level by 2 – 4 points, improve and restore performance and clean fuel intake systems. How to use?All gasoline (leaded or unleaded) engines with injectors or carburetor. Will not harm catalytic converters. Pour the contents of one bottle in the fuel tank before filling it with gasoline.
VICTOR Booster de Octan - Booster de Octan

VICTOR Booster de Octan - Booster de Octan

Der VICTOR Oktanbooster zur Erhöhung der Oktanzahl bei Kraftstoffen mit niedriger Oktanzahl oder bei Motoren mit erhöhtem Oktanzahlbedarf. Vorteile: Schützt Ventilsitze bei bleifreiem Benzin. Verbessert Startverhalten und Volllastantrieb. Sorgt für gleichmäßigen und ruhigeren Leerlauf. Erhöhung der Oktanzahl um bis zu 3 Punkte in Abhängigkeit von der Kraftstoffqualität. Verbesserte Motorleistung und erhöhte Betriebssicherheit. Schützt Ventilsitze vor übermäßigem Verschleiß. Sorgt für einen gleichmäßigen Verbrennungsablauf und verbessert den CO-Wert.
Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE



Suplement diety Vigo ONE XL to produkt z wysoką dawką L-argininy, skierowany do mężczyzn którzy chcą zadbać o swoje zdrowie seksualne oraz potrzebują wzmocnić i wywołać erekcję. Dawka l-argininy w dwóch kapsułkach 600 mg.
Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein water is a delicious and easy way to increase your protein intake and hydration. We add essential vitamins complemented with specialist flavours as part of our protein collagen water, keeping the vital ingredients at their most powerful. Collagen Protein can help regulate your appetite and support your skinʼs health. The BCAAs Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine help with energy and muscle soreness. Vitamins help support your immune system.
Lf20 Glider cu Fluor Scăzut 60g

Lf20 Glider cu Fluor Scăzut 60g

Glider con basso contenuto di fluoro Garantisce accelerazione, velocità e alta repellenza all'acqua e allo sporco. Può essere utilizzate da sola o come base per le cere fluorurate in polvere o liquide. Cod. Art:LF20 Ean Code:8022937433302 Temperatura aria:-8C°... -20C° Umidità aria:H° 30 - 50% Tipo di neve:neve nuova o trasformata Umidità neve:umida Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 160C°